(1) fifteen years ago tomorrow, on january 11th, 2010, i released my second album, no ghostless place, which i wrote over a period of four years, using a borrowed ADAT machine (thanks again Andy), an old drum machine (now so dust-choked it’s like a relic from a tomb), the bass guitar i bought when i was 14 years old (stolen ages ago/forever missed), a weirdly tiny, malfunctioning keyboard that i eventually traded to a guy in an electronica band for a case of beer, a cheap acoustic guitar that i started writing “old fires” with on the same day that i found it, and of course, my “one and only”, my beloved japanese telecaster that’s been my sole electric guitar since the dawn of time, and which a team of even the most skeptical medical professionals would have to begrudgingly conclude has become a living extension of my body, were they to scan it – shared nervous and circulatory systems and all. if you were to press your ear against it, you’d hear my heartbeat, like a seashell holds the sound of the sea.
sitting here flooded a bit dangerously with too many memories of recording at the original location of the House of Miracles (if you listen carefully, you can hear a lone truck pass by on Wellington Street before “north of light’s end” begins; that’s always gotten to me, in an odd way). and of those four years, and of the people i love, who’ve helped and supported me over the years, in so many ways. it’s all too much, especially when one is sitting alone in the history section of one’s local library, with only a laptop and a half-eaten apple as company. so i will stop there.
i’m a day early in posting this, but happy 15th anniversary to “no ghostless place”. CD copies are still available through bandcamp (link), and can be mailed almost anywhere in the world; all sales of any of my CDs will go towards helping in all sorts of important and very appreciated ways as work continues on (2), below.
(2) i’ve nearly finished writing album #6.